Is a heat pump right for your home?

Switching to a heat pump can lower your annual utility bills and reduce your home's carbon footprint. Learn more about this important climate solution.

A heat pump installed near the wall of a home.
A heat pump installed near the wall of a home.

Heat pump calculators

Heat pump COP calculator

Calculate the minimum coefficient of performance (COP) where operating a heat pump would be cheaper than a furnace.

Heat pump savings calculator

This more advanced calculator estimates your total potential annual utility savings by switching to a heat pump.

Cold weather forecast for a dual-fuel system

Review historical weather data to estimate the number of days that you may have needed a back-up heating system.

Heat pumps 101

What is a heat pump?

How does a heat pump work?

Are heat pumps energy efficient?

What are the environmental benefits of using a heat pump?

Can heat pumps save money on energy bills?

Are there incentives or rebates available for installing a heat pump?

How much does it cost to install a heat pump?

Does a heat pump require much maintenance?

Will a heat pump work in cold climates?

Track your home's maintenance

Join Starling to create a maintenance checklist tailored to your home, track your home's repairs and maintenance, and receive periodic reminders about upcoming maintenance tasks.

Track your home's maintenance

Join Starling to create a maintenance checklist tailored to your home, track your home's repairs and maintenance, and receive periodic reminders about upcoming maintenance tasks.