How much should you save for home repairs?

How much should you save for home repairs?

The average home needs thousands of dollars per year in repairs and maintenance per year. Use the calculator below to estimate how much you should set aside for your home.

The average home needs thousands of dollars per year in repairs and maintenance per year. Use the calculator below to estimate how much you should set aside for your home.

Home Repair & Maintenance Forecast

A home’s maintenance cost is generally proportional to the home’s value. Enter your home value to estimate your maintenance costs.

The condition of your home is used to estimate your home's maintenance costs.

How much do you already have set aside to pay for maintenance expenses?

What interest rate, if any, is your maintenance savings account earning?

Simulated 10 Year Forecast

Enter your home's information to forecast potential maintenance scenarios.

Track your home's maintenance

Join Starling to create a maintenance checklist tailored to your home, track your home's repairs and maintenance, and receive periodic reminders about upcoming maintenance tasks.

Track your home's maintenance

Join Starling to create a maintenance checklist tailored to your home, track your home's repairs and maintenance, and receive periodic reminders about upcoming maintenance tasks.

What about a home warranty?

What about a home warranty?

Home warranties can help support homeowners in the unfortunate event of an unexpected major repair. Like all services, however, it's important to read the fine print and consider alternatives before buying.

Home warranties can help support homeowners in the unfortunate event of an unexpected major repair. Like all services, however, it's important to read the fine print and consider alternatives before buying.

What is a home warranty?

How does a home warranty work?

What are common items covered by home warranties?

Are home warranty plans customizable?

How long does a typical home warranty contract last?

Can I buy a home warranty for an older home?

What are some well-known home warranty companies?

Are home warranties a scam?

How does proper home maintenance impact a home warranty?

Your savings account can be an alternative to a home warranty.

Your savings account can be an alternative to a home warranty.

Some homeowners choose to self-insure their home's repairs by setting up a separate savings account. This option offers many benefits to homeowners, but has risks as well.

Some homeowners choose to self-insure their home's repairs by setting up a separate savings account. This option offers many benefits to homeowners, but has risks as well.

What does self-insuring mean in the context of home maintenance?

What are the benefits of self-insuring?

How much should I save for self-insuring?

What are the risks of self-insuring for home maintenance?

How can I effectively manage a self-insurance fund for home maintenance?

Is self-insuring right for everyone?

What are some common home maintenance tasks homeowners should plan for?